How Sweet the Sound by George Beverly Shea

Robinson Books



In this 282 page hardcover book, George Beverly Shea shares warm memories and inspiring stories about his favorite hymns and gospel songs. There is the story of the rescue of Bert Frizen, who lay wounded during World War II and was saved by an enemy soldier who heard him singing “Jesus Whispers Peace”, and carried him to where the American medics found him soon after. Or the story of the truck driver told him “I hear you in the dark of night as I travel down the highways, often listening to the Hour of Decision. I can hardly see the road after you sing songs like ‘Lord, I’m Coming Home.’” He prayed with Bev right then and gave his life to Jesus, sitting behind the steering wheel of his truck. You will find many more inspiring stories that show how God has used music to touch the hearts of people around the world.